So, we’ve been keeping a bit of a secret around here! Ok, maybe it’s not a secret to any of you who have seen me, but I often feel that if something is not “Facebook official” then it’s quite the secret. And yes, you probably already guessed it by the big, round tummy in the pictures below…we’ll be welcoming our 3rd little boy, Lincoln, in a bit under 9 weeks! We are so excited to see how perfect and unique God made him, just as our two other littles are!
Normally, I don’t get maternity pictures done. I didn’t with my other two, but two of my wonderful and amazing photographer friends said that I MUST do it this time! haha They told me to trust them not to make me look like a big, fat cow in them all! So, we did them pretty early at about 26 weeks prego since I’m packin’ on about a pound a week these days! I have to say, I am mighty glad they made me do it! I will treasure these forever! So, thank you, dear friends, Meg Borders and Melissa McFadden, for doing an amazing job!